Fashion is buried and Anti Fashion Party has risen from it’s grave and throws the biggest and baddest Anti Fashion Party ever on the 11th of July!!! Anti Fashion Party is the best party in the world and is always different than most other parties. Anti Fashion Party is organised twice a year by super designer Bas Kosters and super dj Wannabe A Star during Amsterdam Fashion Week. Anti Fashion Party screams every season and is created with an out of the coffin mentality. So wipe away those tears, blow your nose and wear that grieving designer black till it falls apart!!!!

Anti Fashion Party never fails in killer line-ups. This time we have some wild style gravediggers ready for ya’ll at our favourite cemetery; Club NYX!!

First of all in our Funreal Home we have ”The Twins” that rock every designer catwalk all over the world. They go by the name of Doppelgang and they shake their hair like they really don’t care!!!!

Our mother of death is our beloved Wannabe A Star. She sets the dance floor on fire and burns it to ashes! Be aware!!

Forget the cake, leave the dirt and just gogo! When FashionPack (Kosters & Hart) turns the wheel of steel, there’s no return. Let’s dance into the light!!!!

In the hell hole there for sure is no tomorrow and you’ll drown into sorrow. Hell no, no sorrow!!! With some drop dead disco and synth pop there’s no way you can stop! Party all night with our immortal devils Martin Duvall and Ravage! Ravage!.! !

The stairways to heaven will lead you to an always returning area of the evening. Where the shit comes out will be entertaining and the most pleasant place to release yourself. Volumetric: Kiri Mioqi & Cuenta Excellenta will be your guiding light in this hell of a night!!!!

Fabulous fashion griever Elio Heres will give you some of that good and entertaining stuff. Created from nothing, rising from the ashes into a spectacular performance with his crew of gravetastic dancers.!

Anti Fashion Party is a cheap funeral where every mourning guest chips in to a life lasting memory. There are no hipster lists, but merely black sheep. Be different, wear your granny’s favourite funeral dress and enjoy! For only € 10,- you can be a part of all this action at Club NYX. Come on time to prevent yourself from heavy traffic at the door. Party starts at 23.00 and ends at 5.00.



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